Due to the growing spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19), many organizing bodies have made the difficult decision to postpone or completely cancel their 2020 CME Conference. Through mid-March, over 36 medical conferences have been canceled and healthcare professionals can, unfortunately, expect this number to rise in the coming months due to the direct contact and large volume of crowds typically associated with these events.
With these events being canceled, Clinicians who planned on attending a conference or live event to meet annual CME and MOC requirements will have to look elsewhere to earn the necessary amount of credits and stay up to date with their field. Luckily for clinicians, there are multiple CME conference alternatives they can turn to accomplish their career goals and necessities. We have highlighted some top alternatives below.
Online Board Review CME
Online board review CME activities present a great option for clinicians during the Coronavirus outbreak because it allows clinicians to earn CME credits while remaining at home and practicing social distancing.
Online board review CME activities attempt to resemble real-life board exams in order to make sure the clinician is as prepared as possible when they take their licensing or recertification exam. This also means that the content will usually be thoroughly reviewed and up-to-date in order to ensure clinicians are reviewing current best practices.
Typically, these activities require clinicians to answer the board review questions with a specific accuracy score to be able to redeem CME credits.
BoardVitals Online Board Review CME
One of the most popular online board review CME options in the market is BoardVitals. BoardVitals’ CME courses offer AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM and are offered in over 30 different medical specialties.
The questions can be accessed anytime, anywhere from a user’s computer, cell phone, or tablet. These questions are constantly reviewed by the BoardVitals team of medical professionals to ensure customers are reviewing up-to-date information and content that closely resembles their board exams.
BoardVitals board review courses are only one of the top board review options in the market. Be sure to also check out activities from Oakstone, Med-Challenger, and more.
Audio CME and Podcasts
Another alternative to attending CME conferences is audio CME and CME podcasts. One reason CME conferences are a popular choice is that they allow clinicians to earn CME credits in a less stressful environment. While not completely identical, audio CME and podcasts are acclaimed by many medical professionals because they allow clinicians to earn CME credits while multitasking. This ability to earn CME credits while multitasking helps alleviate many stressed-out clinicians who worry about finding enough time in their hectic schedules. This can especially be a relief during the COVID-19 outbreak, where many healthcare professionals are expected to face long hours and increased stress than usual.
Audio Digest also has a special bundle that allows clinicians to get a bonus gift card with their CME up to an amount of $3,500 with a purchase.
Audio Digest CME Activities
One of the most popular Audio options clinicians turn to is Audio Digest’s CME activities. Audio Digest offers convenient, unbiased, and constantly updated audio lectures in over 15 different medical specialties. Their lectures can be streamed on multiple online devices online to earn AMA PRA Category 1 CreidtsTM.
Similar to BoardVitals, Audio Digest offers CME activities that allow clinicians to get a free gift card with a purchase. Their popular Clinical Compendia bundle offers up to a free $2,000 Amazon or Visa gift card with purchase.
Check out our Audio-Digest CME Review for more information about this provider.
Online CME Conference Recordings
If your conference does get canceled due to Coronavirus, the next best alternative is purchasing a CME conference recording. Many providers will record conferences and live events from previous years that clinicians can watch online to earn CME credits.
One of the primary reasons clinicians attend conferences is to learn from notable speakers in their industry. With online recordings, you can still learn from some of the most renowned medical experts from the comfort of your own home or office.
Master Clinicians Online CME Conference Recordings
Master Clinicians is a provider of CME conferences that also records some of their live events for online streaming packages. For example, the Master Clinicians CME often has online recordings of their Urgent Care Medical Summit Conference
Typically their events are targeted towards clinicians specializing in Internal Medicine, Emergency Medicine, and Family Medicine. As the COVID-19 pandemic goes on, Master Clinicians may be planning on making many of their planned 2020 conferences available for online streaming.