Free Hematology CME
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ScientiaCME Hematology/Oncology
Includes eleven online, self-learning activities:
- The state of prostate cancer treatment: advances in approach for advanced disease – (1 hr CE) ACCME ACPE MOC
- Ongoing challenges and optimal approaches in the management of metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) – (1 hr CE) ACCME ACPE MOC
- Advanced systemic mastocytosis: from recognition to treatment (Tsewang Tashi MD) – (1 hr CE) ACCME ACPE MOC
- Pancreatic Cancer: Updates from the 2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting – (0.75 hr CE) ACCME ACPE MOC
- Metastatic urothelial carcinoma (mUC): Updates from the 2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting (Waddah Arafat MD) – (0.75 hr CE) ACCME ACPE MOC
- Taking the next step in the management of relapsed or refractory follicular lymphoma (Eric Tam MD) – (1 hr CE) ACCME ACPE MOC
- Initial- and later-line treatment considerations in advanced renal cell carcinoma (RCC) – (1 hr CE) ACCME ACPE MOC
- Treatment considerations in relapsed or refractory chronic lymphocytic leukemia (R/R CLL): evolving approaches to an evolving disease landscape – (1 hr CE) ACCME ACPE MOC
- Contemporary treatment approaches in the management of chronic graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) – (1 hr CE) ACCME ACPE MOC
- Hitting management strategies of metastatic nasopharyngeal carcinoma on the nose – (1 hr CE) ACCME ACPE MOC
- Advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) including updates from the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) 2023 – (0.75 hr CE) ACCME ACPE MOC
Target Audience: HCPs including: medical oncologists, oncology surgeons, and pathologists; physicians assistants, nurse practitioners, and pharmacists specializing in oncology, hematology, gastroenterology, urology, with some overlap in otolaryngology, transplant medicine, allergy/immunology, nephrology, and hepatology
See full details chevron_right- Cost: Free
- Credit hours: 10.25
- CME credits awarded by: ScientiaCME
- Format: On-Demand Online
- Expiration of CME credit: Two years after release
ScientiaCME Transthyretin-mediated amyloidosis (ATTR): successful identification and its role in optimizing outcomes
Activity Description / Statement of Need:
In this online, self-learning activity:Transthyretin-mediated amyloidosis (ATTR) is a progressive, multisystem, life-threatening disorder characterized by the extracellular deposition of misfolded, insoluble amyloid fibrils. The role of the TTR protein is to transport thyroxine and retinol-binding proteins, and it is vital for cognition, nerve regeneration, and axonal growth. TTR itself is innately amyloidogenic even without the presence of genetic mutations, which may account for wild-type ATTR (wtATTR), while a hereditary form of ATTR (hATTR) may be passed to offspring through autosomal dominant inheritance. Left untreated, the average life expectancy of ATTR is 3 to 15 years from symptom onset.
Target Audience:
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The following HCPs: neurologists, cardiologists, and hematologists; physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and pharmacists in the aforementioned areas of specialty; and any other HCPs with an interest in or who may clinically encounter patients with ATTR.- Cost: Free
- Credit hours: 1
- CME credits awarded by: ScientiaCME
- Format: On-Demand Online
- Material last updated: December 15, 2023
- Expiration of CME credit: December 15, 2025
ScientiaCME Advanced systemic mastocytosis: from recognition to treatment
Activity Description / Statement of Need:
In this online, self-learning activity:Systemic mastocytosis (SM) is a heterogeneous group of disorders caused by proliferation of abnormal clonal mastocytes, which accumulate in the skin and/or other organ systems. Mastocytosis, including SM, was reclassified as a distinct disease subtype in 2016, when the World Health Organization (WHO) removed mastocytosis from the myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) group. The WHO defines 5 SM subtypes, ranging from indolent SM, which is associated with mild symptoms and near-normal life expectancy, to mast cell leukemia, which is an aggressive hematologic malignancy associated with median survival of less than 1 year.
Target Audience:
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HCPs including: hematology/oncology specialists, allergists, and clinical immunologists, dermatologists; physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and pharmacists who practice in those areas of specialty; and any other healthcare professionals with an interest in or who may clinically encounter patients with systemic mastocytosis.- Cost: Free
- Credit hours: 1
- CME credits awarded by: ScientiaCME
- Format: On-Demand Online
- Material last updated: September 28, 2023
- Expiration of CME credit: September 28, 2025
ScientiaCME The spectrum of alpha-thalassemia: comprehensive care of an orphan disease
Activity Description / Statement of Need:
In this online, self-learning activity:
Thalassemias belong to a group of recessively inherited blood disorders characterized by little or no hemoglobin production and chronic anemia of varying severity. Alpha-thalassemia (AT) is most commonly found in people of Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, Asian, and North African descent. Worldwide, 5% of people are AT carriers, with a much higher prevalence in certain regions (eg, up to 23% in Southeast Asia). AT is typically caused by deletions of one or more α-globin genes, of which there are 4 in total, leading to reduced or abolished α-globin production; nondeletional forms of AT can also occur and are generally more severe. The loss of functional α-globin disrupts the globin chain equilibrium, leading to excess γ- and β-globin chain formation and causing ineffective erythropoiesis.
Target Audience:
The following healthcare professionals: hematologists; physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and pharmacists who practice in hematology; and any other healthcare professionals with an interest in or who may clinically encounter patients with AT.
See full details chevron_right- Cost: Free
- Credit hours: 1
- CME credits awarded by: ScientiaCME
- Format: On-Demand Online
- Material last updated: June 01, 2023
- Expiration of CME credit: June 01, 2025
ScientiaCME Acute hepatic porphyria: optimizing pharmacotherapeutic management strategies
Activity Description / Statement of Need:
In this online, self-learning activity:Acute hepatic porphyria (AHP) is an umbrella term for four types of acute porphyria, the most severe of which is acute intermittent porphyria (AIP). An estimated 80% of AHP cases are AIP, which is an inherited autosomal dominant condition that results from mutations of the third enzyme of heme synthesis, porphobilinogen deaminase. In the Western countries, it is estimated that approximately 1 in 2000 individuals are carriers of the relevant mutated genotype, although the majority have latent AIP and are clinically asymptomatic. Acute attacks occur in less than 10% of the at-risk population, reflecting the role of environmental factors, such as alcohol use, infections, and hormonal changes, among others. AHP symptoms are believed to be caused by ALAS1-mediated accumulation of ALA and PBG in the liver and bloodstream, leading to neurotoxicity.
Target Audience:
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The following HCPs: hematologists and gastroenterologists; physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and pharmacists who practice in any of the aforementioned areas of specialties; and any other healthcare professionals with an interest in or who clinically encounter patients with AHP.- Cost: Free
- Credit hours: 1
- CME credits awarded by: ScientiaCME
- Format: On-Demand Online
- Material last updated: July 06, 2023
- Expiration of CME credit: July 06, 2025
ScientiaCME Sickle cell disease (SCD): A focus on updates in therapy
Sickle cell disease (SCD) is the most common monogenic blood disorder, affecting millions of people worldwide and approximately 100,000 Americans. Although it may be found in various areas of the world, SCD predominantly affects individuals of African or Hispanic heritage. It is caused by the inheritance of b-globin alleles that code for hemoglobin S, resulting in an amino acid substitution in hemoglobin’s b chain and clinical disease. Patients with SCD have impaired circulation, and lysis of the erythrocytes contributes to a chronic inflammatory response, causing severe pain and less efficient oxygen delivery. The hallmark clinical features of SCD are hemolytic anemia and painful vaso-occlusive crises (VOCs), which may lead to emergency department visits, hospitalization, and potentially fatal complications such as acute chest syndrome, stroke, or pneumonia. In one US study, 45% of deaths among people with SCD were related to cardiopulmonary causes, and VOCs alone have been shown to increase the risk of death by 50%. SCD may disrupt employment or school and is associated with a significant reduction in quality of life. This learning activity has been designed to bring HCPs’ knowledge of rationale behind treatment of SCD up to date and to enhance their competence and performance in the condition’s management.
See full details chevron_right- Cost: Free
- Credit hours: 1
- CME credits awarded by: ScientiaCME
- Format: On-Demand Online
- Material last updated: 10/14/2022
- Expiration of CME credit: 10/14/2024
ScientiaCME Strategies to prevent complications of sickle cell disease
Activity Description / Statement of Need:
In this online, self-learning activity:
Sickle cell disease (SCD) is the most common monogenic blood disorder, affecting millions of people worldwide and approximately 100,000 Americans. Although it may be found in various areas of the world, SCD predominantly affects individuals of African or Hispanic heritage. It is caused by the inheritance of b-globin alleles that code for hemoglobin S, resulting in an amino acid substitution in hemoglobin’s b chain and clinical disease. Patients with SCD have impaired circulation, and lysis of the erythrocytes contributes to a chronic inflammatory response, causing severe pain and less efficient oxygen delivery. The hallmark clinical features of SCD are hemolytic anemia and painful vaso-occlusive crises (VOCs), which may lead to emergency department visits, hospitalization, and potentially fatal complications such as acute chest syndrome, stroke, or pneumonia.
Target Audience:
The following HCPs: hematologists and primary care physicians; physician assistants, nurse practitioners, nurses, and pharmacists who specialize in the aforementioned areas of specialty; and any other HCPs with an interest in or who may clinically encounter patients with SCD.
See full details chevron_right- Cost: Free
- Credit hours: .75
- CME credits awarded by: ScientiaCME
- Format: On-Demand Online
- Material last updated: 02/15/2023
- Expiration of CME credit: 02/15/2025
ScientiaCME Contemporary treatment approaches in the management of graft-versus-host disease (GVHD)
Activity Description / Statement of Need:
In this online, self-learning activity:
Graft-versus-host disease (GvHD) is an immune-mediated response that occurs in recipients of allogenic hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT). GvHD can be further categorized into acute and chronic cases. Maculopapular rash, follicular erythema, epidermolysis, are common manifestations of acute GvHD, in addition to liver and gastrointestinal dysfunction such as hyperbilirubinemia, nausea, and diarrhea. This activity focuses on chronic GvHD, which has more extensive multi-organ involvement including the liver, eyes, mouth, lungs, skin, genitalia, and gastrointestinal tract.
Target Audience:
The following HCPs: hematologists and oncologists; nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and pharmacists who specialize in oncology; and those who otherwise commonly care for or clinically encounter patients with GVHD.
See full details chevron_right- Cost: Free
- Credit hours: 1
- CME credits awarded by: ScientiaCME
- Format: On-Demand Online
- Material last updated: 03/31/2023
- Expiration of CME credit: 03/31/2025
ScientiaCME Managing beta-thalassemia and related complications in a real-life clinical setting
Activity Description / Statement of Need:
In this online, self-learning activity:
Thalassemias are a group of recessively inherited blood disorders characterized by little or no hemoglobin production and chronic anemia of varying severity. Beta-thalassemia (BT) is most commonly found in people of Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, Asian, and North African descent. Worldwide, 1.5% of people are BT carriers, with about 40,000 infants born with BT annually. About half of patients with BT are transfusion-dependent, which may significantly impact patient quality of life. BT is caused by a point mutation in the gene encoding hemoglobin subunit beta (HBB), resulting in either lower beta-globin production (termed beta-plus [B+]) or the prevention of all beta-globin production (termed beta-zero [B0]). Disease severity depends on the extent of hemoglobin β and γ chain imbalance.
Target Audience:
The following HCPs: hematologists; physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and pharmacists who practice in hematology; and any other healthcare professionals with an interest in or who may clinically encounter patients with beta-thalassemia.
See full details chevron_right- Cost: Free
- Credit hours: 1
- CME credits awarded by: ScientiaCME
- Format: On-Demand Online
- Material last updated: 04/09/2023
- Expiration of CME credit: 04/09/2025
ScientiaCME Treatment considerations in relapsed or refractory chronic lymphocytic leukemia (R/R CLL): evolving approaches to an evolving disease landscape
- Cost: Free
- Credit hours: 1
- Format: On-Demand Online
- Material last updated: 04/21/2024
- Expiration of CME credit: 04/21/2025
ScientiaCME Addressing needs and improving outcomes in pyruvate kinase deficiency (PKD)
Activity Description:
In this online, self-learning activity:
Pyruvate kinase (PK) is an enzyme that plays a major role in a metabolic pathway integral to the production of ATP, and a deficiency in the enzyme (PKD) is one of the most common enzyme-related glycolytic defects in a pathway integral to the production of ATP. It is transmitted as an autosomal recessive trait and is caused by mutations in the PKLR gene on chromosome 1, and over one hundred eighty of these mutations have been associated with PKD. While PKD affects approximately five people of European descent per 100,000 (data in other patient populations are lacking), it is one of the more frequent causes of chronic hemolysis. Anemia arising from the condition may range from mild and fully compensated to life-threatening in severity.
Target Audience:
HCPs including: hematology; nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and pharmacists who specialize in hematology; and those with an interest in or may clinically encounter patients with PKD.
See full details chevron_right- Cost: Free
- Credit hours: 1
- Format: On-Demand Online
- Material last updated: 05/30/2024
- Expiration of CME credit: 05/30/2026
ScientiaCME Taking the next step in the management of relapsed or refractory follicular lymphoma
- Cost: Free
- Credit hours: 1
- Format: On-Demand Online
- Material last updated: 06/28/2024
- Expiration of CME credit: 06/28/2025