Plastic Surgery CME

  • Osler Plastic Surgery Board Reviews

    The Osler Plastic Surgery Board Reviews offer learning in a variety of venues and formats.

    See the site for the dates of the next Live Osler Plastic Surgery Written Board Review and Osler Plastic Surgery Mock Oral Review Course.

    Mock oral exams are one-on-one simulations of the board exam with faculty examining candidates and providing feedback. These can be either private ($165 each) or before a group ($125 each).

    The Osler Plastic Surgery Course on 7 MP3 CDs w/Electronic Syllabus. Each CD includes a full days’ lectures from the most recent live meeting in MP3 format which you can play on your MP3 player, computer or CD player.

    Target Audience: Plastic Surgeons

    See full details chevron_right
    • Cost: Varies depending on format
    • Credit hours: Varies depending on format
    • CME credits awarded by: Osler Institute
    • Format: Conference, On-Demand Online
  • FREE

    JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery

    Individual subscribers to JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery and AMA members may participate in JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery CME.

    You will find a wide selection of Facial Plastic Surgery topics.

    Target Audience: Plastic Surgeons

    See full details chevron_right
    • Cost: Free
    • Credit hours: Varies depending on course
    • CME credits awarded by: American Medical Association
    • Format: On-Demand Online
    • Material last updated: Updated Monthly
  • FREE

    Medscape Plastic Surgery and Aesthetic Medicine

    CME activities of special interest to plastic surgeons. Medscape contains a variety of educational formats:

    CONFERENCE COVERAGE – Reports of advances presented at major medical conferences; typically includes several tracks with news stories, expert interviews, and in-depth topic overviews.

    CLINICAL UPDATE – Comprehensive original review article on scientific advances in a clinical topic.

    FAST TRACK CLINICAL UPDATE – Narrowly focused original review article on scientific advances in a clinical topic.

    CME-LIVE – Real-time online events with streaming video, synchronized visuals, and interactive questions and answers; archived for 1 year.

    CLINICAL BRIEFS – Daily reports of major current medical research articles; 0.25 credits each

    JOURNAL CME – Articles selected from a wide selection of peer-reviewed journals.
    SPECIAL REPORT CME – Topic-based monthly email newsletter distributed to Medscape’s professional member database by specialty.

    INTERACTIVE PATIENT CASES – Original CME activity presented to the physician in an interactive, clinical case-based format. (See especially eMedicine CME Case Presentations.)
    CME CIRCLE – Multimedia content certified by other accredited professional education providers, typically from live symposia or monographs, and then posted on Medscape and archived for one year.

    Target Audience: Plastic Surgeons

    See full details chevron_right
    • Cost: Free
    • Credit hours: Varies depending on course
    • CME credits awarded by: Medscape and over 50 other sponsoring organizations.
    • Format: On-Demand Online, Online Video, Online Audio, Live Online
    • Material last updated: Continuously Updated
  • FREE

    Plastic Surgery HyperGuide

    Some popular topucs include:
    • Nutrition in the Bariatric Surgery Patient
    • Lower Lid Reconstruction
    • Combined Descending and Oblique-Branch-Based Anterolateral Thigh Flap in Head and Neck Reconstruction
    • Breast Reconstruction and Obesity
    • Treatment Strategies for Neonates with Tongue-Based Obstruction

    Target Audience: Plastic Surgeons

    See full details chevron_right
    • Cost: Free
    • Credit hours: Varies depending on course
    • CME credits awarded by: Vindico Medical Education
    • Format: On-Demand Online