Medality All-Fellowship Pass – 2 year

Get access to all Medality Self-paced Fellowship Certificate Programs!

Fellowship Certificates are interactive online training programs that combine high-yield practice cases and expert-led instruction to help you become a faster, more confident reader of imaging studies across all major subspecialties and modalities and – all without taking time off work!

Cost: $6750$4050

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Key Features

450+ high-yield practice cases
2,500+ expert review videos
2,000+ scrollable DICOMs
Case discussions and sample reports
Mastery Series video courses
Fellowship Certificate™
Case quizzes
Mastery Score (accuracy + speed)
500+ AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™
7-Day Money Back Guarantee

Topics Covered

Shoulder MRI
Foot & Ankle MRI
Knee MRI
Hand and Wrist MRI
MSK MRI Essentials
Pediatric Imaging Essentials
Brain & Spine Neuroradiology
Head & Neck Neuroradiology
Cardiac MRI
Breast MRI
PET Imaging
Prostate MRI
GI Imaging
Emergency Imaging
Stroke Imaging

Target Audience


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