Virtual Lecture Hall Courses
Cost: $25 to access the site (includes 1 CME credit); additional credits for $25 per hour.
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The Virtual Lecture Hall courses are designed to meet specific state CME mandates, but they also apply to all licensed physicians regardless of state of licensure.
Examinations are not required for CME credit.
Find the Virtual Lecture Hall courses in State alphabetical order:
California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Texas and Vermont.
Find the Virtual Lecture Hall courses in order by groups of required topics:
• Cultural Competence;
• Domestic Violence
• End of Life-Palliative Care;
• Ethics;
• Infection Control;
• Infectious Diseases;
• Medical Errors;
• Modes of Transmission;
• Patient Communications;
• Patient Safety;
• Prescribing Practices;
• Professional Responsibility;
• Risk Management.