Oakstone CME Pancreatobiliary Pathology – A Comprehensive Review: The Oakstone Institute Specialty Review
Cost: $795
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Topics covered in Pancreatobiliary Pathology include:
Pancreatobiliary Findings Associated With Alcohol Abuse, Pancreatic Pathology, Neuroendocrine Neoplasms of the Pancreas, Pancreatic Fine needle aspiration cytology, Pancreatic Transplant Pathology, Ductal Adenocarcinoma of the Pancreas, Neoplasia of the Gallbladder and Extrahepatic Bile Ducts and many more.
After completing Pancreatobiliary Pathology, you should be better able to:
• Recognize common and uncommon pancreatic lesions, including those associated with alcohol abuse
• Interpret frozen sections
• Discuss the biology of pancreatic ductal carcinoma, including molecular underpinnings and immunolabeling
• Describe which pancreatic lesions are premalignant
Identify biliary tract lesions with confidence
• Discuss pancreatic transplant pathology
Target Audience:
Pathologists working at medical centers that do not see a high volume of pancreatobiliary lesions.