Oakstone CME Pediatric Anesthesia for General Anesthesiologists
Cost: $795
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Discover New Guidelines with Online CME
This online CME program — tailored to anesthesiologists who care for patients of all ages in ambulatory and inpatient settings — provides a general review of common pediatric anesthesia challenges, as well as clinical pearls and procedure-specific considerations for the young patient.
Led by University of Minnesota’s Jakob Guenther, MD, expert speakers in Pediatric Anesthesia for General Anesthesiologists discuss physiology, pharmacology, preoperative/postoperative considerations, congenital heart defects, pain control, airway management, and more.
Additional continuing medical education lectures focus on frequent procedures and anesthetic challenges associated with specific specialties (ENT, dental, neurosurgery, urology, orthopedics, etc)
Learning Objectives
At the completion of this course, you should be able to:
- Have a better overview about the differences in physiology, pharmacology and anatomy between adult and pediatric patients including more recent data and evidence for your daily practice, both for basic techniques of pediatric anesthesia, as well as procedure specific strategies
- Approach pediatric patients with a focus on their specific needs in the preoperative (anxiety, agitation), intraoperative (physiology, fluid requirements, airway management) and postoperative (emergence, PO(N)V, airway complication) setting
- Have guidance how to optimize anesthetic technique for common procedures and conditions
- Have more background information about invasive and complex procedures, conditions (congenital heart disease) and interventions. Those procedures may not be part of your practice, but that the patient either went through them or will have to go through them in the future. Both past and future interventions may have implications on how to approach the patient’s anesthetic management while the patient is under your care
Intended Audience
This activity is designed for anesthesiology residents, pediatric anesthesia fellows, and general anesthesiologists.