Advancing Treatment Strategies in Multiple Myeloma (MM) Drug Therapy

Cost: Free

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The goal of Advancing Treatment Strategies in Multiple Myeloma (MM) Drug Therapy is to help you to discern the role of each of the first-line and more novel therapies, including monoclonal antibodies and proteasome, deacetylase, and 3 serine/threonine protein kinase inhibitor therapies in the treatment of multiple myeloma.

By the end of Advancing Treatment Strategies in Multiple Myeloma (MM) Drug Therapy, you will be able to:
• Recall updates in the staging, prognosis, and diagnosis of MM.
• Distinguish between the most appropriate treatment approaches to MM and apply them to practice, taking into account the following: treatment modalities and the recent clinical trial evidence supporting them.
• Distinguish between the most appropriate treatment approaches to MM and apply them to practice, taking into account the following: evidence-based treatment guidelines, algorithms, and expert opinion.
• Summarize the risk-benefit profiles of current and emerging therapies for the treatment of MM.

Target Audience:
Hematologists and oncologists; physician assistants, nurse practitioners, nurses, and pharmacists who practice in oncology; and any other healthcare professionals with an interest in or who clinically encounter patients with MM.

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