25th Annual Duke Radiology Overview

Cost: $550

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Meetings by Mail presents the 25th Annual Duke Radiology Overview, a wide ranging summary of topics impacting today’s Radiology practice.

This activity includes 40 Duke Radiology faculty members presenting multiple subjects in Abdominal, Cardiothoracic, Nuclear, Interventional, Neuro, Pediatric, MSK and Breast Imaging. It includes exportable MP4 files of all presentations, for viewing on smart phones, iPads, tablets and Kindle Fire. All credits from this activity are applicable as SA-CME for Maintenance of Certification purposes.

Available in Online Streaming and DVD-ROM formats.

After studying the 25th Annual Duke Radiology Overview, you will be able to:
• Identify the latest modalities and techniques being used in the field of Diagnostic Radiology
• Discuss differential diagnoses of common disease processes as they are seen on radiologic images
• Demonstrate compliance with various governing agencies to sustain accreditation, licensing and board certification requirements

Target Audience: Radiologists

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